Poker Basics - How to Play It!

Poker Basics - How to Play It!
As the world hears more about poker, more and more people from different walks of life are starting to gain interest at poker. Poker has become as popular as the NBA. Poker is considered as one of the most played card games worldwide. This is due to the fact that you only need a good chair, a table, a deck of cards, and a chip to play poker. Everyone can play poker, they can learn poker within a few minutes yet not everyone will have success at playing poker. When playing at a table where you feel you lack the knowledge of how to play, you'll feel like a small fish surrounded by sharks waiting for you to make wrong move. But what is needed to be good at poker, you need to practice and play more. Since as the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect". The only way one could practice poke is to play constantly at the tables, this costs a pot lot of money and can be expensive, and this is the reason why poker amateurs and pros must maintain a bankroll.
We all have seen the big tournaments aired on TV, the world series of poker, and the world poker tour. We all aspire to hit it big and get a shot at the millions of dollars from one of these prestigious tournaments. You idolize and mimic your favourite poker superstar, may it be Phil Ivey, Phil "The poker brat" Helmuth, or the ever dangerous Tom "Durr" Dwan. We see them at these big tournaments and aspire to be like them one day. But what qualities do these poker pros have that an aspiring poker player needs to watch out for:
A� Be mindful of the cards at hand
A� Be attentive at what is happening at the table
A� Be patient and practice disciplined
A� Make the right call at the right time
A� Able to know the odds before doing anything possibly stupid
As you progress at poker, you understand that the most important trait of a poker player is the ability to learn from mistakes. In other words, as you play poker you gain experiences to handle situations and be able to adapt with the situation you are in.
As your skills progresses, you will learn that poker is not entirely gambling. Poker entails a lot of skill, but as every card game is by nature, one will also need a touch of luck to have success. Poker is more of like a mind game with skill, with a bit of luck mixed into it.
So after reading this article, you should ask yourself. Do I have what it takes to go somewhere in poker? Then get your chips ready and get some action on at a money table now.